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Always On

Motion Graphics
Visual Effects
Strategy to Content
Project Type
Content Management
University of Twente


University of Twente - Always On

The University of Twente had new aims to freshen up theirbrand for a long time – they had been thinking about new ways to keep theirstudents engaged and maintain more loyal to the brand culture that theyprovide.

Together with agency More, we were asked assist them on thischallenge. What came out of this was a visual campaign that the Universitylaunched for several months, where it included all kinds of branding materialsuch as teasers, videos, banners, and social media content – all with the goalto create brand awareness and show the vibrant lifestyle that the Universityhas to offer.

In order for us to have made the campaign work, we had tocreate a universe – a foundation that made sure that everything produced madesense and followed the same ‘laws of physics’. We developed a visual styleusing mosaic shapes and vibrant colors to encompass all branding material wewould end up making. Moreover, the narratives we developed focused not on whatthe University is able to academically provide, but the essence of being ayoung ambitious student and the lifestyle that follows. Think of activitiesoutside of school – from the various sports available on campus, to the socialand art activities hosted, to the technical facilities for one’s dream – Thesehad to be heavily emphasized, and naturally they were factors that kept theaudience engaged in the campaign.

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Ivan de Wolf (Art Director)

External Vendors

Tom Knol (DOP)

Stein Boon (Gaffer)

More (Strategy Agency)

Wieger Dam (Assistant)

Marijn Kroese (Assistant)

Next Work

Always Pushing Forward

Always Pushing Forward