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EV Charging

Strategy to Content
Project Type
Content Management


Exicom - EV Charging

Exicom stands as a premier provider of smart EV chargingsolutions, offering a diverse range of products tailored for both residentialand commercial settings. With over two decades of industrial expertise, they'vesuccessfully deployed over 20,000 AC and DC chargers across India and SoutheastAsia, with plans for further expansion into new markets.

In a bid to enhance their online presence and bettercommunicate their product offerings to both business and consumer audiences,Exicom partnered with our strategy design partner, Creative Mules. Theobjective was clear: revamp their outdated website and create a compellingdigital presence.

Here at Tiny Giants we created a streamlined, user-friendlyweb experience that showcases their chargers in a more attractive light thanever before. Exicom provided initial designs and workable files for theirexisting and upcoming chargers, and our task was to bring these products to lifewithout relying on traditional product photography. Collaboratively, weassessed each product's aesthetics and seamlessly integrated them intocaptivating visual scenes, ensuring their lineup is represented with utmostappeal and resonance.

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External Vendors

Creative Mules (Strategy Agency)

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